Tuesday 10 September 2013

From Lexie, Maia, lilli and Rhiannon xx from all

Hi mum and dad having a great time. high ropes, abseiling, giant swing and quads today highest 48 foot aaahhhhhh!!!!!! Xxx luv ya liv xxx

Hope your ok and hope you said happy birthday to Grampy. I am having a fab time.xxxxxxx Love Maia and Alfie xxxxxxx

To everybody I miss you so much I am having an amazing time I love you so much love you loads lilli and teddy

To Mum Dad and Con hope your all having a good time at home I am having a great time at PGL can't wait  to see you all lots of love Rhiannon xxxxx


  1. Glad your having a great time Lex, 48ft :O rather you than me! love Mum xxx

  2. Wow Rhiannon, looks like you're having an amazing time! Can't wait to hear all about it on Friday. Grandpa came up to watch footie with the boys last night so I had to go to the pub with Tracey! Love you loads, Mum xxx

  3. Hi Lilli..and the girls..wow you are all so brave going so high on the activities..Dad would love it but you wouldn't get me doing that as I am afraid of heights! We all miss you Lills but glad you are having a good time. Scarlett sends her love and says to remind you she is 5 yrs old tomorrow. Speak soon and have another good day. Love you loads xxx

  4. hi Maia missing you loads.so glad you are having fun. looks so much fun. I wish I was there with you but I doubt I would be as brave as all you guys.looking forward to seeing you Friday and I found out today that auntie jess is going to have a baby boy ;)love u loads baby love mummyxxxx
